Tuesday, May 14, 2024

DEI — Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Team Building HRDF Claimable Management Training Malaysia

DEI — Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — is not a universal solution. It requires a tailored approach that aligns with an organization's unique ethos and the demographics of its workforce. Our training offers bespoke DEI training solutions that are intricately designed to resonate with your company's core values and amplify your employee brand.

Contact us for further details about our training programs
Contact No: +603 8062 7177
Whatsapp: https://wa.link/vqp862
Email : info@asiabigwave.com

Website : www.asiabigwave.com  

Thursday, May 9, 2024

DEI — Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Team Building HRDF Claimable Management Training Malaysia

Numerous organizations are embracing DEI — Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — as a cornerstone of their fundamental principles. 

Cultivating an environment where everyone, from employees to clients, feels a sense of belonging not only sparks creativity and innovation but also elevates employee contentment, boosts business outcomes, and strengthens the company's brand identity.

#asiabigwavetraining #corporatetraining #DEITraining #softskillstraining #managementtraining #trainingmalaysia #HRDFTrainingProvider #hrdfclaimable #diversityandinclusion #DEI #DEIB #corevalues #UnconsciousBias #ESG

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Cultivating Respect: Inspiring Trust & Collaboration Workshop


Team Building HRDF Claimable Management Training Malaysia

How to Cultivate Respect as a core value in Your Organization?
  1. Respect incorporates unconscious biases, collaboration, trust, diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.
  2. Exhibit an interest in and appreciation of others’ perspectives, knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  3. Express recognition and gratitude for the efforts and contributions of others.
  4. Openly communicate information about policies and procedures so everyone has access to and is operating with similar information.
  5. Clarify decision-making processes, and when appropriate, seek input into those processes.
  6. Take concerns seriously.
  7. If someone or a group feels “wronged,” seek to understand that perspective and offer a genuine apology if warranted.
#CBRE #asiabigwavetraining #corporatetraining #DEITraining #diversityinclusionequity #softskillstraining #RespectAndTrust #managementtraining #trainingmalaysia #HRDFTrainingProvider #hrdfclaimable #diversityandinclusion #DEI

Thursday, July 13, 2023

ASIA BIGWAVE TEAM BUILDING PROGRAM - Deliver in Trilingual (English, BM & Mandarin)

Searching for Team Building program for your staffs? Come and try our team building motivation program. We have capability to deliver trilingual (English, BM & Mandarin) training programs that meet your training objectives!

<< Engaging & Fun Learning Experience >>

Contact us for further details about our training programs
Contact No : +603 8062 7177
Whatsapp : https://wa.me/60127509522

Team Building HRDF Claimable Management Training Malaysia

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Monday, November 12, 2018

Customized Training Malaysia - Managerial Skills Series By Asia Bigwave

Training Malaysia - Customize Leadership Program

We have successfully conducted the Essential Skills for Professional Manager Workshop for a group of excellent managers from University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus on 10 & 11 October 2018. 
 Good job everyone!